Our Programs
All of our programs are provided free of charge but you do need to register to attend. There are two ways to register:
- You can refer yourself by calling 613-774-2420, ext. 6765
- You can have your physician or other allied health professional complete the Referral Form and fax it to 613-774-6536
If you have questions, please call 613-774-2420, ext. 6765 or email diabetes@wdmh.on.ca
Individual Appointments
We will see all of our clients one-on-one for their first appointment - except for clients with pre-diabetes who start with the Preventing Diabetes Class. Following your first appointment, we will recommend classes or follow-up based on your needs and goals.
Preventing Diabetes | Meal Planning for Diabetes and Health | Physical Activity and Diabetes | Eating for the Wrong Reasons | Stress, Diabetes and Life | Heart Healthy Eating |Your Best Weight | Your Best Weight Follow-Up |Starting or Changing Insulin | Insulin Pump Support | Community Information Sessions
This session is for people with pre-diabetes or at high risk for
diabetes. Please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6765
to register.
This session explains
pre-diabetes and covers information on the diet and lifestyle changes needed to
help delay or prevent diabetes. You can
also sign up for a quarterly newsletter to help you stay up to date.
Time: 3 hours (9 am to 12 pm)
Planning for Diabetes and Health
This session is open to all our clients. Please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6765
to register.
This session translates the science of nutrition for blood sugar control, heart health and overall health into practical 'what do i eat' real world solutions. The dietitians will share cooking tips, meal planning tips, grocery tips and recipes.
Time: 2 hours (1 to 3 pm)
Activity and Diabetes
This session is open to all our clients. Please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6765
to register.
This session gives you the tools
and the information you need to safely start or increase your physical activity. You will learn what type and how much
physical activity you need to aim for and how to do it safely. You will leave with a basic resistance
program and rubber band as well as a basic walking program and a pedometer.
Time: 2 hours (9 to 11 am)
for the Wrong Reasons
This session is open to all our clients. Please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6765
to register.
The session will look at the
hormonal and environmental reasons why we eat ‘for the wrong reasons’. You will learn tips and strategies to help
you change your environment and to help you work with hormonal influences on
what and how much you eat.
Time: 2 hours (1 to 3 pm)
Stress, Diabetes and Life
This session is open to all our clients. Please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6765
to register.
In this session you will learn
about the relationship between stress, your diabetes and your health. You will also learn tips on how to manage and
reduce your stress.
Time: 2 hours (2 to 4 pm)
Heart Healthy Eating
This session is open to all of our clients. Please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6765 to register.
This session explains the process of 'hardening of the arteries' and reviews target cholesterol and blood pressure numbers for diabetes. It looks at what changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to help reduce your risk of heart disease.
TIme: 2 hours (1 to 3 pm)
Best Weight
This program if open to all our clients. Please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6765
to register.
This program includes a 2 hour
group education session followed by 6 monthly group follow-up sessions. The goal of this program is to give you both
the knowledge and the support you need to make the diet, lifestyle and
behaviour changes for weight loss and weight control. You will also be encouraged to sign up for
some of our other education sessions to help you reach your goal.
Time: 2 hours (1 to 3 pm)
Your Best Weight Follow-Up
The follow-up sessions give you the opportunity for a weigh-in and to problem solve with the dietitian and your fellow participants.
Time: 1 hours (1 to 2 pm)
or Changing Insulin
This is one on one education.
The education is personalized to
your needs, but in general, the nurse will explain your choices, how insulin
works, how to self-inject, how to adjust your insulin and how to monitor your
body’s response to insulin. The
dietitian will look at your eating habits and explain the link between food and
insulin’s action. You will be followed
until you feel comfortable with your insulin routine and your blood sugar is in
Pump Support
This is one on one education.
Our program is certified with the
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s “Assistive Devices Program” for people
living with Type 1 Diabetes. We can help
clients who are using an insulin pump or guide clients through the process of
choosing, applying for and managing an insulin pump.
Information Sessions
Open to all WDMH Diabetes Education Program clients and to the community at large.
The Community Information Session
runs once a month, in the evening, between September and April. There is a 45 minute talk by various experts
(for example; a personal trainer, a chiropodist, a dietitian, a dental
hygienist) followed by tea/coffee and a chance to socialize with other people
living with diabetes. You do not need to
register for these sessions – they are drop-in sessions. Dates are advertised in local papers and on our calendar.
Time: 2 hours (7 to 9 pm)